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javascript-d3How do I add a label to the Y axis of a D3.js chart?

To add a label to the Y axis of a D3.js chart, you need to use the axisLeft method. This method takes an optional argument for the label.

For example:

const yAxis = d3.axisLeft()

This will add the label 'Label' to the Y axis.

Code explanation

  • d3.axisLeft() - creates the Y axis
  • .scale(yScale) - sets the scale for the Y axis
  • .tickFormat(d3.format('.2s')) - sets the format for the ticks
  • .tickSize(-width) - sets the size of the ticks
  • .tickPadding(10) - sets the padding of the ticks
  • .tickValues(yTicks) - sets the values for the ticks
  • .tickSizeOuter(0) - sets the outer size of the ticks
  • .tickFormat(d3.format('.2s')) - sets the format for the ticks
  • .tickSizeInner(0) - sets the inner size of the ticks
  • .tickSize(0) - sets the size of the ticks
  • .tickPadding(10) - sets the padding of the ticks
  • .tickSizeOuter(0) - sets the outer size of the ticks
  • .tickSizeInner(0) - sets the inner size of the ticks
  • .tickLabel('Label') - sets the label of the Y axis

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