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php-laravelHow do I use a template in Laravel with PHP?

Using a template in Laravel with PHP is a simple process. The first step is to create a view file, which will contain the HTML for the template. This view file should be placed in the /resources/views directory.

Next, create a route in the routes/web.php file that points to the view file. For example, to show the view file example.blade.php:

Route::get('example', function () {
    return view('example');

The view file can contain plain HTML as well as Blade syntax, which allows for dynamic content to be included. Blade syntax is denoted using double curly braces. For example, to include a variable called $name:

<h1>Hello, {{ $name }}</h1>

Blade also allows for the inclusion of partials, which are reusable components. To include a partial, use the @include directive and pass the name of the file as a parameter:


Finally, the view can be passed data from the controller. This is done by passing an array as the second parameter of the view() method. For example, to pass the variable $name:

return view('example', ['name' => $name]);

For more information on using templates in Laravel, see the Laravel documentation.

List of Code Parts with Explanation

  1. Route::get('example', function () { return view('example'); }); - This line of code creates a route for the view file example.blade.php.

  2. <h1>Hello, {{ $name }}</h1> - This line of code uses Blade syntax to include a variable called $name in the view file.

  3. @include('partials.header') - This line of code uses the @include directive to include a partial called partials.header.

  4. return view('example', ['name' => $name]); - This line of code passes a variable called $name to the view file.

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