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python-scipyHow can I check if a certain version of Python is compatible with SciPy?

To check if a certain version of Python is compatible with SciPy, you can use the following steps:

  1. Check the system requirements for SciPy on the official website. [1]
  2. Make sure the version of Python you have installed meets the requirements.
  3. To test the compatibility, you can run the following code:
import scipy

The output of the above code should be the version of SciPy installed on your system.

  1. Compare the version of SciPy installed with the system requirements.
  2. If the version of SciPy installed is compatible with the system requirements, then the version of Python is compatible with SciPy.
  3. If the version of SciPy installed is not compatible with the system requirements, then the version of Python is not compatible with SciPy.
  4. You can also check the SciPy installation guide for more information. [2]

[1] https://www.scipy.org/install.html [2] https://scipy.org/install.html#installation-guides

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