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backbone.jsHow can I implement pagination in a Backbone.js application?

Pagination in a Backbone.js application can be implemented by using a library such as Backbone.Paginator.

The following code example shows how to create a paginator instance and set up a view to render the paginated collection:

// Create a paginator instance
var paginator = new Backbone.Paginator({
  collection: myCollection

// Create a view to render the paginated collection
var paginatedView = Backbone.View.extend({
  initialize: function(){
    this.listenTo(paginator, 'reset', this.render);
  render: function(){
      collection: paginator.toJSON()

Code explanation

  1. var paginator = new Backbone.Paginator({ collection: myCollection }); - This creates a paginator instance with the given collection.

  2. this.listenTo(paginator, 'reset', this.render); - This listens to the reset event of paginator and calls the render function when the event is triggered.

  3. this.$el.html(this.template({ collection: paginator.toJSON() })); - This renders the paginated collection in the view's HTML element.

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