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backbone.jsHow can I use Backbone.js to create a Zabbix monitoring system?

Backbone.js is a powerful JavaScript library that can be used to create a Zabbix monitoring system. The following example code creates a simple Zabbix monitoring system using Backbone.js:

// Create a Backbone Model to represent a Zabbix host
var ZabbixHost = Backbone.Model.extend({
    defaults: {
        name: '',
        ip: '',
        status: '',
        last_check: ''

// Create a Backbone Collection to store Zabbix hosts
var ZabbixHosts = Backbone.Collection.extend({
    model: ZabbixHost

// Create a new instance of the ZabbixHosts collection
var myHosts = new ZabbixHosts();

// Add a new Zabbix host to the collection
    name: 'My Server',
    ip: '',
    status: 'OK',
    last_check: '2020-03-20 12:00:00'

// Log the collection to the console

Output example

ZabbixHosts {models: Array(1), _byId: {…}, length: 1}

The code above creates a ZabbixHost Backbone Model to represent a Zabbix host and a ZabbixHosts Backbone Collection to store the Zabbix hosts. A new instance of the ZabbixHosts collection is created, and a new Zabbix host is added to the collection. The collection is then logged to the console.

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