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backbone.jsHow do I add an onclick event to a Backbone.js element?

The easiest way to add an onclick event to a Backbone.js element is to use the view's events hash. This hash is used to bind DOM events to methods on the view.

For example, if you have a view called ButtonView, you could set up the onclick event like so:

var ButtonView = Backbone.View.extend({
  events: {
    'click .my-button': 'onButtonClick'
  onButtonClick: function(e) {
    // Do something

In the above example, the events hash binds the onButtonClick method to the click event of any element with the class my-button.

The onButtonClick method will be called when the click event is triggered, and the click event's data will be passed as the e argument.

Code explanation

  • events hash: Used to bind DOM events to methods on the view.
  • ButtonView: The view in which the onclick event is being set up.
  • click .my-button: The DOM event being bound.
  • onButtonClick: The method that will be called when the click event is triggered.
  • e argument: The click event's data that will be passed to the onButtonClick method.

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