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backbone.jsHow do I check a checkbox in Backbone.js?

To check a checkbox in Backbone.js, you need to set the checked attribute of the checkbox to true. This can be done using the set method of the Backbone.View object.

For example, if you have a checkbox with an id of myCheckbox, you can check it using the following code:

var view = new Backbone.View({el: '#myCheckbox'});
view.set('checked', true);

This code will set the checked attribute of the checkbox to true, thus checking it.

Code explanation

  • Backbone.View: A constructor function that creates a Backbone view object.
  • set: A method of the Backbone.View object that sets the value of an attribute.
  • el: An attribute of the Backbone.View object that holds a reference to the DOM element associated with the view.

For more information, see the Backbone.js documentation.

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