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backbone.jsHow do I use the Backbone.js Router to navigate an example?

The Backbone.js Router is used to navigate between different views in an application. It can be used to map routes to functions that will be called when the application navigates to the route.

Below is an example of using the Backbone.js Router to navigate to a view.

// Create a new Router
var router = new Backbone.Router();

// Map the route '/example' to the function exampleView
router.route('/example', 'exampleView');

// Create the exampleView function
function exampleView() {
  console.log('Navigated to exampleView');

// Navigate to the '/example' route
router.navigate('/example', {trigger: true});

// Output: Navigated to exampleView

The code above creates a new Router and maps the route /example to a function exampleView. Then the navigate function is called on the Router with the /example route and the trigger option set to true. This will call the exampleView function and output Navigated to exampleView to the console.

Parts of the code:

  • var router = new Backbone.Router();: Creates a new Backbone.js Router.
  • router.route('/example', 'exampleView');: Maps the route /example to the function exampleView.
  • function exampleView() {...}: The function that will be called when the application navigates to the /example route.
  • router.navigate('/example', {trigger: true});: Navigates to the /example route and calls the exampleView function.

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