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cli-sedHow do I delete a file using the command line sed tool?

To delete a file using the command line sed tool, you can use the following command:

sed -i '' '/<pattern>/d' <filename>

This command will delete all lines from the file that match the given <pattern>.

The command consists of the following parts:

  1. sed - the command line sed tool
  2. -i '' - an option that specifies that the given file should be edited in place
  3. /<pattern>/d - a regular expression that specifies what lines should be deleted
  4. <filename> - the name of the file to be edited

For example, if you want to delete all lines containing the word "hello" from the file example.txt, you can use the following command:

sed -i '' '/hello/d' example.txt

This command will delete all lines containing the word "hello" from the file example.txt.

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