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clickhouseUsing Template format to output data in custom format

echo 'My name is ${col:CSV} and I am ${age:CSV}' > tmp.tpl
clickhouse-client -q "SELECT * FROM tbl FORMAT Template SETTINGS format_template_row = 'tmp.tpl'"ctrl + c

save custom format description to the temporary file


placeholder to pick value for col column, escaped using CSV rules (more details)


placeholder to pick value for age column

clickhouse-client -q

execute given query through client interface


table to select data from

FORMAT Template

use Template format for output


set path to our template format file

Usage example

echo 'My name is ${col:CSV} and I am ${age:CSV}' > tmp.tpl
clickhouse-client -q "SELECT * FROM tbl FORMAT Template SETTINGS format_template_row = 'tmp.tpl'"
Query id: ef3a3c26-5db4-4d09-9d58-39ba6f80f41b

My name is "Donald" and I am 125

My name is "hi" and I am 0
