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dockerHow to backup docker volume

We backup data volume from running container by creating second temporary container and making tar archive from what's inside the volume.

docker run -it --mount source=data,destination=/data ubuntu
docker run --rm --volumes-from 804e9d6977ba -v /tmp/data:/backup ubuntu tar czvf /backup/backup.tar.gz /datactrl + c
docker run

run specified image


instantly connects to container command line


mounts specified volume


name of the volume to mount (data)


path that the volume will be available from the container


remove container automatically after it stopped (used for backup container only)


specify which container to mount volumes from (assume we have running containers to backup from)


id of our first container (to backup volume from)


mount directory for container


make local /tmp/data be accessible to container at /backup

tar czvf

creates gzip acrhive


name of the backup file


which directory to create gzip from (/data is the path of data volume)

Usage example

docker run -it --mount source=data,destination=/data ubuntu
docker run --rm --volumes-from 804e9d6977ba -v /tmp/data:/backup ubuntu tar czvf /backup/backup.tar.gz /data
ls /tmp/data
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names