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elasticsearchHow do I configure Elasticsearch index settings?

  1. To configure Elasticsearch index settings, you need to use the PUT API.
  2. For example, to set the number of shards for an index, you can use the following PUT request:
PUT /my_index
  "settings" : {
    "index" : {
      "number_of_shards" : 3
  1. The response of the request will be a 200 OK status code if the settings were successfully changed.
  2. You can also set other settings such as the number of replicas, the refresh interval, the maximum number of documents, etc.
  3. You can find more information about the available settings and their parameters in the Elasticsearch documentation.
  4. Additionally, you can use the GET API to retrieve the current settings for an index.
  5. For example, the following GET request will return the current settings for an index:
GET /my_index/_settings

The response of the request will be a 200 OK status code and a JSON object containing the current settings for the index.

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