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elasticsearchHow do I configure the port for Elasticsearch?

To configure the port for Elasticsearch, you need to modify the elasticsearch.yml file. This file is located in the config directory within the Elasticsearch home directory.

The elasticsearch.yml file contains settings for the Elasticsearch node. To configure the port, you will need to add the following line to the file:

http.port: 9200

This will configure the port to 9200. You can replace 9200 with any port number you want. Once you have made the change, you will need to restart the Elasticsearch node for the changes to take effect.

You can also configure the port using the -E flag when starting Elasticsearch. For example:

bin/elasticsearch -Ehttp.port=9200

The above command will start the Elasticsearch node on port 9200.

Code explanation

  • elasticsearch.yml: This is the configuration file for the Elasticsearch node. It contains settings for the node and is located in the config directory within the Elasticsearch home directory.
  • http.port: This setting is used to configure the port for the Elasticsearch node.
  • -E flag: This flag is used when starting Elasticsearch to configure settings.

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