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elasticsearchHow do I set the JVM heap size for Elasticsearch?

The JVM heap size for Elasticsearch can be set using the ES_JAVA_OPTS environment variable. This variable can be set in the elasticsearch.yml configuration file, which is located in the config directory of the Elasticsearch installation.

For example, to set the heap size to 8GB, add the following line to elasticsearch.yml:

ES_JAVA_OPTS: "-Xms8g -Xmx8g"
  • ES_JAVA_OPTS: Environment variable to set the JVM heap size for Elasticsearch.
  • elasticsearch.yml: Configuration file located in the config directory of the Elasticsearch installation.
  • -Xms8g: Sets the initial heap size to 8GB.
  • -Xmx8g: Sets the maximum heap size to 8GB.

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