9951 explained code solutions for 126 technologies

elasticsearchHow do I use an Elasticsearch keystore?

To use an Elasticsearch keystore, you need to create a new keystore first. You can do this by running the following command:

bin/elasticsearch-keystore create

This will create a new keystore in the config/ directory, which you can then use to store secure settings.

You can then add settings to the keystore using the add command:

bin/elasticsearch-keystore add mysetting.secure

This will prompt you to enter a value for the setting, which will be securely stored in the keystore.

You can also view the settings stored in the keystore using the list command:

bin/elasticsearch-keystore list

This will output a list of all the settings stored in the keystore.

You can also remove settings from the keystore using the remove command:

bin/elasticsearch-keystore remove mysetting.secure

This will remove the setting from the keystore.

Finally, you can also update the settings stored in the keystore using the update command:

bin/elasticsearch-keystore update mysetting.secure

This will prompt you to enter a new value for the setting, which will be securely stored in the keystore.

Code explanation


  • bin/elasticsearch-keystore create - creates a new keystore in the config/ directory
  • bin/elasticsearch-keystore add mysetting.secure - adds a setting to the keystore
  • bin/elasticsearch-keystore list - lists all the settings stored in the keystore
  • bin/elasticsearch-keystore remove mysetting.secure - removes a setting from the keystore
  • bin/elasticsearch-keystore update mysetting.secure - updates a setting stored in the keystore

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