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elasticsearchHow do I use the Elasticsearch Wiki?

The Elasticsearch Wiki is a great resource for understanding the basics of Elasticsearch and how to use it for various tasks. Here's how to use it:

  1. Navigate to the Wiki: To get started, navigate to the Elasticsearch Wiki.

  2. Choose a Topic: On the Wiki homepage, you can choose from a variety of topics related to Elasticsearch.

  3. Read the Documentation: Each topic contains detailed documentation about the specific topic.

  4. Try an Example: You can also try out an example code block to see how it works. For example, here's a code block to create an index:

PUT /my_index
  "mappings": {
    "properties": {
      "name": {
        "type": "text"

This code block will create an index named "my_index" with a text field named "name".

  1. Check Results: After running the code, you can check the results in Kibana.

  2. Explore Further: You can also explore further topics in the Wiki by clicking the links in the navigation bar.

  3. Find Resources: The Wiki also contains a variety of resources such as tutorials and videos to help you get started with Elasticsearch.

By following these steps, you can easily use the Elasticsearch Wiki to get started with Elasticsearch and gain a better understanding of how to use it.

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