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expressjsHow can I set up the folder structure for an Express.js project?

A typical Express.js project folder structure should include the following:

  1. bin/ - Contains the startup scripts and any other scripts related to the project.

  2. config/ - Contains any configuration files related to the project.

  3. public/ - Contains static assets such as images, stylesheets, and JavaScript files.

  4. routes/ - Contains the route definitions for the project.

  5. views/ - Contains the view templates for the project.

  6. app.js - The main entry point for the application.

  7. package.json - Contains the project's dependencies and configuration.

For example, the following code block shows the folder structure of a typical Express.js project:

├── bin
├── config
├── public
├── routes
├── views
├── app.js
└── package.json

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