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expressjsHow can I use an SVG icon in an Express.js application?

Using an SVG icon in an Express.js application is fairly simple.

First, you'll need to create a folder for the SVG files and place them in the public directory of your Express.js application.

Then, you can use a template engine such as EJS to render the SVG file in the HTML page.

For example, a basic EJS template for an SVG file would look like this:

<img src="<%= icon %>" alt="Icon" />

In the Express.js route, you can then pass the SVG file path as a parameter to the template.

res.render('index', { icon: '/svg/icon.svg' });

The output of this code will be an image tag with the SVG file source.

<img src="/svg/icon.svg" alt="Icon" />

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