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expressjsHow do I use URL parameters in Express.js?

URL parameters are a way to pass data from the client to the server in an Express.js application. They are typically used to pass information that is used to customize the response for a particular request.

For example, to use URL parameters in an Express.js application, you can use the req.params object. Here is an example of how to use this object in a route:

app.get('/user/:name', (req, res) => {
  const name = req.params.name;
  res.send(`Welcome, ${name}!`);

If we make a request to /user/John, we will get the output Welcome, John!

Code explanation

  • app.get(): the Express.js method used to register a route
  • /user/:name: the route URL, where :name is a parameter
  • req.params.name: the object used to access the URL parameter
  • res.send(): the Express.js method used to send a response

For more information about URL parameters in Express.js, see the documentation.

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