9951 explained code solutions for 126 technologies

golangHow to use errors

package main
import "errors"

func test(param string) (string, error) {
  if param == "" {
    return "", errors.New("this is bad")
  return "<" + param + ">", nil

func main() {
  res, err := test("")
}ctrl + c
package main

default package declaration

import "errors"

load lib to work with errors


creates new error object

(string, error)

our function will return string result and error

Usage example

package main
import ( "fmt"; "errors" )

func test(param string) (string, error) {
  if param == "" {
    return "", errors.New("this is bad")

  return "<" + param + ">", nil

func main() {
  res, err := test("")

  res, err = test("tag")
this is bad