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google-big-queryHow can I track price changes in Google BigQuery?

The following example demonstrates how to track price changes in Google BigQuery.

  TIMESTAMP_DIFF(price_change_date, LAG(price_change_date, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY product_id ORDER BY price_change_date), SECOND) as price_change_interval

This query will return the product ID, price, and the interval between price changes for each product. The TIMESTAMP_DIFF function is used to calculate the interval between two timestamps. The LAG window function is used to access the previous row's price change date.

The output of this query would look something like this:

product_id  price  price_change_interval
1           10.99  NULL
1           11.99  86400
1           12.99  86400
2           9.99   NULL
2           10.99  86400

The parts of this query are as follows:

  • SELECT: specifies the columns to be returned by the query
  • TIMESTAMP_DIFF: calculates the difference between two timestamps
  • LAG: window function that returns the value of a column from the previous row
  • PARTITION BY: specifies the column used to divide the data into partitions
  • ORDER BY: specifies the column used to order the data within each partition

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