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google-big-queryHow can I use Google Big Query to process XML data?

Google Big Query can be used to process XML data using the EXTRACT function. This function extracts specific data from an XML document and returns it as a string. The syntax for the EXTRACT function is as follows:

EXTRACT(XML, xpath_expr)

where XML is the XML document and xpath_expr is an XPath expression that specifies the data to extract.

For example, if the XML document is as follows:


Then the following query can be used to extract the person's name:

SELECT EXTRACT(XML, '//person/name/text()')

The output of this query would be John.

Code explanation

  • EXTRACT: This is the Big Query function used to extract data from an XML document.
  • XML: This is the XML document from which data will be extracted.
  • xpath_expr: This is an XPath expression that specifies the data to extract.

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