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google-big-queryHow can I use the Google Big Query JDBC driver to access data?

Google BigQuery JDBC Driver is a powerful tool that enables Java programs to access data stored in BigQuery. To use the driver, you need to first download and install the driver from the Google Cloud Platform Console.

Once the driver is installed, you can use the following code snippet to connect to BigQuery:

// Create a new BigQuery JDBC connection
String url = "jdbc:bigquery://https://www.googleapis.com/bigquery/v2:443";
String projectId = "<your-project-id>";
String datasetId = "<your-dataset-id>";
String tableId = "<your-table-id>";
String user = "<your-username>";
String password = "<your-password>";

Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password);

Once the connection is established, you can use the following code snippet to execute a query and retrieve the results from BigQuery:

// Execute a query
String query = "SELECT * FROM " + projectId + "." + datasetId + "." + tableId;
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query);

// Retrieve the results
while (resultSet.next()) {
  // Process the results
  // ...

Finally, you can close the connection when you are done:


This is how you can use the Google BigQuery JDBC driver to access data stored in BigQuery.

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