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google-big-queryHow do Google BigQuery and Azure compare in terms of performance and cost?

Google BigQuery and Azure offer similar performance and cost options, but there are some key differences.

Google BigQuery is a serverless, highly scalable, and cost-effective cloud data warehouse. It offers high performance for complex queries, and is designed to scale up to thousands of concurrent users. BigQuery also offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model, which allows users to pay only for the data they store and query.

Azure offers a range of data warehouse solutions, including Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Azure Data Lake Storage. Azure Synapse Analytics is a fully managed data warehouse that offers high performance and scalability. It also offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model, which allows users to pay only for the data they store and query.

In terms of performance, both BigQuery and Azure are designed for large-scale data processing and analytics. BigQuery offers a serverless architecture, which makes it easier to scale up to thousands of concurrent users. Azure offers a range of data warehouse solutions, including Azure Synapse Analytics, which is designed for high performance and scalability.

In terms of cost, both BigQuery and Azure offer a pay-as-you-go pricing model. This allows users to pay only for the data they store and query. Additionally, BigQuery offers an additional cost-saving feature, in which users can purchase discounted long-term storage for their data.

Example code

FROM my_table
WHERE date_field > CURRENT_DATE()

Output example

id  name      date_field
1   John      2020-09-10
2   Jane      2020-09-11
3   Bob       2020-09-12

Code explanation

  1. SELECT * - This is the command used to select all data from a table.
  2. FROM my_table - This is the command used to specify which table the data should be retrieved from.
  3. WHERE date_field > CURRENT_DATE() - This is the command used to specify the criteria for which data should be retrieved. In this example, only data with a date field greater than the current date will be retrieved.

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