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google-big-queryHow do I use an IF statement in Google BigQuery?

An IF statement in Google BigQuery is used to create a conditional statement that returns a value or performs an action based on a condition. It is used to test a condition and execute a statement accordingly.

SELECT IF(expr1, expr2, expr3)

This is the syntax for an IF statement in BigQuery. expr1 is a boolean expression that is evaluated to determine if the statement should be executed. expr2 is the value that is returned if the expression evaluates to true. expr3 is the value that is returned if the expression evaluates to false.

For example, the following query will return the value 'Yes' if the age column is greater than 18 and 'No' otherwise:

SELECT IF(age > 18, 'Yes', 'No')

The parts of the IF statement are:

  • IF: This is the keyword used to start the IF statement.
  • expr1: This is a boolean expression that is evaluated to determine if the statement should be executed.
  • expr2: This is the value that is returned if the expression evaluates to true.
  • expr3: This is the value that is returned if the expression evaluates to false.

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