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google-big-queryHow do I use Google Big Query to merge data?

Google BigQuery is a powerful tool for merging data from multiple sources. To use BigQuery to merge data, you will first need to create a table in BigQuery. The table should include the columns you want to merge, such as the names of the data sources, the columns you want to merge, and the type of data in each column.

Once the table is created, you can use the MERGE statement in BigQuery to combine the data from multiple sources.

The MERGE statement has the following syntax:

MERGE INTO <target_table> AS t
USING <source_table> AS s
ON <join_condition>
  UPDATE SET t.<column_name> = s.<column_name>
  INSERT (<column_name>, ...) VALUES (s.<column_name>, ...)

The MERGE statement has the following parts:

  • target_table: The table you want to merge the data into.
  • source_table: The table you want to merge the data from.
  • join_condition: The condition used to determine which rows to merge from the source table.
  • column_name: The columns you want to merge.

For example, let's say you have two tables, customers and orders, and you want to merge the customer_name column from the customers table into the orders table. The MERGE statement would look like this:

MERGE INTO orders AS t
USING customers AS s
ON t.customer_id = s.customer_id
  UPDATE SET t.customer_name = s.customer_name

This MERGE statement will take the customer_name column from the customers table and merge it into the orders table.

For more information on using BigQuery to merge data, see the Google BigQuery documentation.

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