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google-big-queryHow do I use the ISNULL function in Google BigQuery?

The ISNULL function in Google BigQuery is used to check if a value is null. It returns true if a value is null and false if a value is not null.

Example code

SELECT ISNULL(null_value) as is_null
FROM `project.dataset.table`

Output example

| is_null  |
| true     |

The code above checks if the value of the column null_value is null and returns true if it is.

The code consists of the following parts:

  • SELECT: specifies the columns to be returned
  • ISNULL(null_value): checks if the value of the column null_value is null
  • as is_null: gives the column a name
  • FROM: specifies the table from which the data should be retrieved

For more information on the ISNULL function, please refer to the official BigQuery documentation: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/functions-and-operators#isnull-function

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