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javascript-d3How do I remove elements from a d3.js visualization?

Removing elements from a d3.js visualization can be done using the remove() method. This method removes elements from the DOM (Document Object Model) and also from the selection. An example of this is shown below:

    .data([4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42])
    .text(function(d) { return "I'm number " + d + "!"; });


This code will remove all div elements from the DOM.

Code explanation

  • d3.select("body").selectAll("div"): Selects all div elements in the body.
  • .data([4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42]): Binds data to the elements.
  • .enter().append("div"): Appends div elements to the DOM.
  • .text(function(d) { return "I'm number " + d + "!"; });: Sets the text content of the elements.
  • .remove(): Removes the elements from the DOM.

For more information, see the d3.js documentation.

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