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javascript-lodashHow can I use Lodash to filter a nested array of objects in JavaScript?

Lodash is a JavaScript library that provides utility functions for common programming tasks. It can be used to filter a nested array of objects in JavaScript.

Here is an example of how to use Lodash to filter a nested array of objects:

const data = [
    id: 1,
    name: 'John',
    age: 20
    id: 2,
    name: 'Jill',
    age: 30
    id: 3,
    name: 'Jack',
    age: 25

const result = _.filter(data, { age: 25 });


Output example

    id: 3,
    name: 'Jack',
    age: 25

The code above uses Lodash's _.filter() function to filter the data array. It takes two arguments: the array to be filtered, and an object containing the filter criteria. In this case, the filter criteria is { age: 25 }, which will filter the array to only include objects with an age of 25. The result is stored in the result variable, which is then logged to the console.

  • _.filter(): https://lodash.com/docs/4.17.15#filter
  • data: The array of objects to be filtered
  • { age: 25 }: The filter criteria object
  • result: The filtered array of objects containing only objects with an age of 25

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