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javascript-lodashHow do I use Lodash to deep clone an object in JavaScript?

Lodash is a JavaScript library that provides utilities for manipulating and iterating over objects and collections. It has a _.cloneDeep() method which can be used to deep clone an object.

const obj = {
  a: 1,
  b: {
    c: 2

const clonedObj = _.cloneDeep(obj);

// Output: { a: 1, b: { c: 2 } }

The _.cloneDeep() method takes a source object as an argument and returns a new object with all of its properties and values cloned from the source. It is a deep cloning operation, meaning that it will also clone any nested objects or collections.

The code above creates an obj object with a nested property b. It then uses the _.cloneDeep() method to create a new object, clonedObj, which is a clone of the original obj object.

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