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javascript-lodashHow do I use Lodash to truncate a string in JavaScript?

Using Lodash, you can truncate a string in JavaScript by using the _.truncate() method. This method takes two parameters, the string to truncate and an optional options object.

The options object can take a number of properties, such as length (the length of the truncated string), omission (the string to use in place of the truncated text), and separator (the string to use to separate the truncated text from the omitted text).

For example, to truncate a string to a length of 10 characters, with an omission of '...' and a separator of '|', you can use the following code:

let truncatedString = _.truncate('This is a long string', {
    length: 10,
    omission: '...',
    separator: '|'


Output example

This is|...

The code is composed of the following parts:

  • let truncatedString = declares a variable to hold the result of the truncation.
  • _.truncate('This is a long string', {...}) is the Lodash method call, passing in the string to be truncated and the options object.
  • length: 10 sets the length of the truncated string to 10 characters.
  • omission: '...' sets the string to use in place of the truncated text.
  • separator: '|' sets the string to use to separate the truncated text from the omitted text.
  • console.log(truncatedString) prints the result to the console.

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