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jqueryHow can I convert jQuery code to JavaScript code?

Converting jQuery code to JavaScript code can be done by understanding the difference between the two languages. jQuery is a library of JavaScript functions that are used to simplify DOM manipulation and event handling. The following example code shows how to convert a jQuery statement into JavaScript:

// jQuery

// JavaScript
document.getElementById('myDiv').style.display = 'none';

The jQuery code uses the $ symbol to select an element by its id, while the JavaScript code uses the document.getElementById method to select the same element. The jQuery code then uses the hide() method to hide the element, while the JavaScript code uses the style.display property to set the element's display to none.

Code explanation

  • $('#myDiv'): Selects the element with the id myDiv
  • hide(): Hides the selected element
  • document.getElementById('myDiv'): Selects the element with the id myDiv
  • style.display: Sets the display property of the selected element

For more information on converting jQuery code to JavaScript, see the following links:

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