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jqueryHow can I convert XML data to JSON using jQuery?

This can be done by using jQuery's $.parseXML() function, which takes an XML string as an argument and returns a DOM object. The resulting object can then be converted to JSON using the $.parseJSON() function.

Example code

// Create an XML string
var xmlString = '<note><to>Tove</to><from>Jani</from><heading>Reminder</heading><body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body></note>';

// Parse the XML string
var xmlDoc = $.parseXML(xmlString);

// Convert the XML DOM object to JSON
var jsonString = $.parseJSON(xmlDoc);

Output example

  "note": {
    "to": "Tove",
    "from": "Jani",
    "heading": "Reminder",
    "body": "Don't forget me this weekend!"

Code explanation

  • $.parseXML() - Takes an XML string as an argument and returns a DOM object.
  • $.parseJSON() - Takes a DOM object as an argument and returns a JSON string.

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