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julialangHow to convert a string to an integer in JuliaLang?

The simplest way to convert a string to an integer in JuliaLang is to use the parse function.

julia> parse(Int, "123")

The parse function takes two arguments: the type of the output (in this case Int) and the string to be converted. The output of the parse function is the integer representation of the string.

The parse function can also be used to convert strings to other types, such as Float and Complex.

julia> parse(Float, "3.14")

julia> parse(Complex, "3+4im")
3 + 4im

Parts of the code:

  • parse: the function used to convert a string to an integer
  • Int: the type of the output
  • "123": the string to be converted
  • 3.14: the float representation of the string
  • 3+4im: the complex representation of the string

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