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julialangHow to set up logging in JuliaLang?

JuliaLang provides a logging package called Logging.jl which can be used to set up logging. To use it, first install the package using Pkg.add("Logging"). Then, you can use the @info, @warn, @error and @fatal macros to log messages. For example:

@info "This is an info message"
@warn "This is a warning message"
@error "This is an error message"
@fatal "This is a fatal message"

Output example

[ Info: This is an info message
[ Warn: This is a warning message
[ Error: This is an error message
[ Fatal: This is a fatal message

Code explanation

  1. Pkg.add("Logging"): This is used to install the Logging.jl package.
  2. @info, @warn, @error and @fatal macros: These are used to log messages of different levels.

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