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julialangHow to use args in JuliaLang?

JuliaLang provides a convenient way to pass arguments to functions using the args keyword. args is a special variable that contains all the arguments passed to a function.

Example code

function myfunc(args...)
    println("Number of arguments: $(length(args))")
    for arg in args
        println("Argument: $arg")

myfunc(1, 2, 3)

Output example

Number of arguments: 3
Argument: 1
Argument: 2
Argument: 3

Code explanation

  1. args...: This is a special syntax that allows a variable number of arguments to be passed to a function.
  2. length(args): This function returns the number of arguments passed to the function.
  3. for arg in args: This loop iterates over all the arguments passed to the function.

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