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php-awsHow do I use PHP to create a ZIP file on AWS?

Creating a ZIP file on AWS using PHP is a relatively simple process. The following example code block will demonstrate how to create a ZIP file using PHP:

// Create a new ZIP file
$zip = new ZipArchive;

// Open the ZIP file
if ($zip->open('test.zip', ZipArchive::CREATE) === TRUE) {
    // Add a file to the ZIP file
    // Close the ZIP file
    echo 'Successfully created the ZIP file!';
} else {
    echo 'Failed to create the ZIP file.';

Output example

Successfully created the ZIP file!

Code explanation

  1. $zip = new ZipArchive;: This creates a new ZipArchive object.
  2. if ($zip->open('test.zip', ZipArchive::CREATE) === TRUE) {: This opens the ZIP file for writing and returns true if successful.
  3. $zip->addFile('test.txt');: This adds the file test.txt to the ZIP file.
  4. $zip->close();: This closes the ZIP file.

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