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php-fakerHow can I generate decimal numbers using PHP Faker?

To generate decimal numbers using PHP Faker, you can use the randomFloat() method. This method takes two parameters, the first being the minimum value and the second being the maximum value. The generated number will be a float between the two parameters. For example:

$faker = Faker\Factory::create();
echo $faker->randomFloat(2, 0, 10);

// Output: 8.25

The randomFloat() method takes two parameters:

  • $nbMaxDecimals: The maximum number of decimals that will be generated.
  • $min: The minimum value for the generated number.
  • $max: The maximum value for the generated number.

For example, to generate a float between 0 and 10 with a maximum of 2 decimals, you would use the following code:

$faker = Faker\Factory::create();
echo $faker->randomFloat(2, 0, 10);

// Output: 8.25

For more information on the randomFloat() method, please refer to the PHP Faker documentation.

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