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php-laravelHow can I create a tutorial using PHP and Laravel?

Creating a tutorial using PHP and Laravel is a relatively straightforward process.

First, create a new Laravel project with the command composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel tutorial.

Next, create a new controller with the command php artisan make:controller TutorialController. This will create a new controller class in the app/Http/Controllers/TutorialController.php file.

In the controller file, add the following example code:

public function index()
    return view('tutorial.index');

This code will create a new route, tutorial.index, that will render the view file resources/views/tutorial/index.blade.php when called.

Next, create a new view file in resources/views/tutorial/index.blade.php and add the following example code:


<p>This is a tutorial.</p>

Finally, add the route to routes/web.php with the following code:

Route::get('tutorial', 'TutorialController@index');

This will create a new route at /tutorial which will render the tutorial view file.

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