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php-laravelHow can I use Keycloak to authenticate users in a Laravel PHP application?

Keycloak is an open source Identity and Access Management solution that can be used to authenticate users in a Laravel PHP application. It provides a single sign-on solution and supports multiple authentication protocols such as OpenID Connect, SAML, OAuth2 and LDAP.

To use Keycloak with a Laravel application, you need to install the laravel-keycloak package. After installation, you can configure the package in config/keycloak.php file.

You can then use the Keycloak authentication middleware to protect routes in your Laravel application. For example,

Route::get('/protected', function () {
    // Protected route

You can also use the Keycloak facade to access the Keycloak user object. For example,

$user = Keycloak::user();

The Keycloak user object contains the user's profile information, such as name, email address, etc.

You can also use the Keycloak facade to access the Keycloak token object. For example,

$token = Keycloak::token();

The Keycloak token object contains the user's access token, which can be used to make API calls to the Keycloak server.

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