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php-laravelHow can I use PHP Laravel and Kafka together to develop software?

PHP Laravel and Kafka can be used together to develop software by creating a Laravel project that contains a Kafka client library. This library can be used to produce and consume messages from Kafka topics.

For example, the following code block can be used to produce a message to a Kafka topic:

use App\Kafka\Producer;

$producer = new Producer;
$producer->send('my-topic', 'my-message');

The following code block can be used to consume messages from a Kafka topic:

use App\Kafka\Consumer;

$consumer = new Consumer;
$messages = $consumer->consume('my-topic');

foreach ($messages as $message) {
    echo $message;

Code explanation

  • use App\Kafka\Producer: This statement imports the Producer class from the Kafka library.
  • $producer = new Producer: This statement creates an instance of the Producer class.
  • $producer->send('my-topic', 'my-message'): This statement sends a message to the my-topic Kafka topic.
  • use App\Kafka\Consumer: This statement imports the Consumer class from the Kafka library.
  • $consumer = new Consumer: This statement creates an instance of the Consumer class.
  • $messages = $consumer->consume('my-topic'): This statement consumes messages from the my-topic Kafka topic.
  • foreach ($messages as $message): This statement iterates over the consumed messages.

For more information, please refer to the following links:

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