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php-laravelHow do I use Octane with Laravel to develop a PHP application?

Octane is a Laravel package that provides an easy way to develop PHP applications. It works by providing an intuitive, user-friendly interface for managing the development process. It also provides tools for testing, debugging, and deploying your application.

To use Octane with Laravel, first install the Octane package using Composer:

composer require octane/octane

Once installed, you can create a new Octane project by running the following command:

php artisan octane:create

This will generate a new project directory with the necessary configuration files. You can then start developing your application within this directory.

Octane also provides a set of helpful commands to help you manage the development process. For example, you can run the following command to run your tests:

php artisan octane:test

This will execute any tests you have created and display the test results.

Finally, Octane provides a command to deploy your application to a production server:

php artisan octane:deploy

This will deploy your application to the server specified in the configuration file.

Overall, Octane provides an easy way to develop PHP applications with Laravel.

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