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php-laravelHow do I use the chunk method in Laravel with PHP?

The chunk method in Laravel allows you to work with large datasets without the need to load the entire dataset into memory. It works by retrieving a small number of results at a time from the database, and then performing some action on them before retrieving the next chunk of results.

For example, the following code will retrieve 100 results from the database at a time, and then print the results to the screen:

$results = DB::table('users')->chunk(100, function ($users) {
    foreach ($users as $user) {
        echo $user->name;

The chunk method accepts two parameters:

  1. $count: The number of records to be returned from the database.
  2. $callback: A callback function which will be executed for each chunk of records.

In the above example, $count is set to 100 and $callback is a closure which prints out the user's name for each record.

You can also use the chunk method to perform database operations on each chunk of records. For example, the following code will update the name column of each record:

$results = DB::table('users')->chunk(100, function ($users) {
    foreach ($users as $user) {
            ->where('id', $user->id)
            ->update(['name' => 'John Doe']);

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