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php-laravelHow do I use the updateOrCreate method in Laravel with PHP?

The updateOrCreate method in Laravel can be used to update an existing record in the database, or create a new record if none exists. It is commonly used when a user is signing up for a service or creating an account. The syntax is as follows:

    ['attribute' => $value],
    ['other_attribute' => $other_value]

The first parameter is an array of attributes to match, and the second parameter is an array of values to set if a new record is created.

For example, if we have a User model with the attributes email and name, we could use the following code to update an existing user with the email [email protected] or create a new user if none exists:

$user = User::updateOrCreate(
    ['email' => '[email protected]'],
    ['name' => 'John Smith']

The $user variable will now contain the user object, either the existing user or the newly created user.

Code explanation

  • Model::updateOrCreate: The static method to call on the relevant model.
  • ['attribute' => $value]: An array of attributes to match.
  • ['other_attribute' => $other_value]: An array of values to set if a new record is created.

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