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php-laravelHow do I write a unit test in Laravel using PHP?

Unit testing in Laravel with PHP is done using the PHPUnit testing framework. The first step is to install the package with the command composer require --dev phpunit/phpunit.

Once installed, you can create a new test class by running the command php artisan make:test MyTest. This will create a new test class in the tests/Unit directory.

In the newly created test class, you can define the tests that you want to run. For example, the following test will check if the add method of the Calculator class returns the correct result:


namespace Tests\Unit;

use Tests\TestCase;
use App\Calculator;

class CalculatorTest extends TestCase
    public function testAdd()
        $calculator = new Calculator;
        $this->assertEquals(30, $calculator->add(10, 20));

The test can then be run from the command line using phpunit. Upon successful completion, you should see the following output:

PHPUnit 7.5.20 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

.                                                                   1 / 1 (100%)

Time: 00:00.006, Memory: 6.00 MB

OK (1 test, 1 assertion)

The code above consists of the following parts:

  • namespace Tests\Unit - defines the namespace of the test class
  • use Tests\TestCase - imports the TestCase class which provides the necessary setup for the test
  • use App\Calculator - imports the Calculator class which is being tested
  • public function testAdd() - defines a test method which checks if the add method of the Calculator class returns the correct result
  • $calculator = new Calculator - creates a new instance of the Calculator class
  • $this->assertEquals(30, $calculator->add(10, 20)) - checks if the result of the add method is equal to 30

For more information, see the PHPUnit Documentation and the Laravel Documentation.

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