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php-mysqlHow to join tables with PHP and MySQL?

Joining tables in PHP and MySQL is a common task when working with databases. It can be done using the JOIN keyword in an SQL query.

SELECT * FROM table1
JOIN table2
ON table1.id = table2.id

This example query will join the two tables table1 and table2 on the id column. The output of this query will be all the columns from both tables.

  • SELECT *: This part of the query specifies which columns to select from the tables. In this case, * is used to select all columns.
  • FROM table1: This part of the query specifies which table to select from. In this case, table1 is used.
  • JOIN table2: This part of the query specifies which table to join with. In this case, table2 is used.
  • ON table1.id = table2.id: This part of the query specifies which columns to join on. In this case, the id column from both tables is used.

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