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php-symfonyHow to use Data Transfer Objects (DTO) with PHP Symfony?

Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) are used to transfer data between layers of an application. In PHP Symfony, DTOs are used to transfer data between the controller and the view.

Example code

// src/DTO/UserDTO.php

namespace App\DTO;

class UserDTO
    public $name;
    public $email;

// src/Controller/UserController.php

namespace App\Controller;

use App\DTO\UserDTO;

class UserController
    public function showUser(User $user)
        $userDTO = new UserDTO();
        $userDTO->name = $user->getName();
        $userDTO->email = $user->getEmail();

        return $this->render('user.html.twig', [
            'user' => $userDTO

Output example

Rendered user.html.twig with user data

Code explanation

  • src/DTO/UserDTO.php: This file contains the definition of the UserDTO class, which is used to store the user data.
  • src/Controller/UserController.php: This file contains the showUser() method, which is used to retrieve the user data from the database and store it in a UserDTO object. The UserDTO object is then passed to the view.

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