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php-symfonyHow to use the PHP Symfony console?

The Symfony Console is a powerful command line interface for interacting with Symfony applications. It allows you to execute commands, create and manage your Symfony applications, and perform other tasks.

To use the Symfony Console, you must first install the Symfony Console component. This can be done using Composer:

composer require symfony/console

Once the component is installed, you can use the bin/console command to access the Symfony Console. This command takes a command name as its first argument, followed by any additional arguments or options. For example, to list all available commands:

bin/console list

The Symfony Console also provides a number of helpful options, such as --help to display help for a command, and --quiet to suppress output.

Code explanation

  1. Install the Symfony Console component using Composer: composer require symfony/console
  2. Use the bin/console command to access the Symfony Console
  3. Pass a command name as the first argument, followed by any additional arguments or options
  4. Use helpful options such as --help to display help for a command, and --quiet to suppress output

Helpful links

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