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php-symfonyHow to use the PHP Symfony findOneBy method?

The findOneBy method is a part of the Symfony Doctrine Query Builder and is used to retrieve a single entity from the database. It takes an array of criteria as its first argument and an array of orderings as its second argument.


$user = $em->getRepository('AppBundle:User')
        array('username' => 'johndoe'),
        array('id' => 'DESC')

Output example

Object(AppBundle\Entity\User)#123 (...)

Code explanation

  • $em: Entity Manager object, used to access the database.
  • getRepository: Method of the Entity Manager, used to access the repository of a given entity.
  • findOneBy: Method of the repository, used to retrieve a single entity from the database.
  • array('username' => 'johndoe'): Criteria used to filter the entities.
  • array('id' => 'DESC'): Ordering used to sort the entities.

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