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php-wordpressHow to create a WordPress plugin using PHP?

Creating a WordPress plugin using PHP is a relatively simple process. The following example code block will create a basic plugin that will display a message when activated:

Plugin Name: My Plugin
Description: A basic plugin

function my_plugin_function() {
    echo 'My plugin is now active!';

register_activation_hook(__FILE__, 'my_plugin_function');

When the plugin is activated, the following output will be displayed:

My plugin is now active!

The code consists of the following parts:

  1. Plugin Name and Description: This is the name and description of the plugin that will be displayed in the WordPress admin area.

  2. my_plugin_function(): This is the function that will be executed when the plugin is activated.

  3. register_activation_hook(): This is the function that will register the my_plugin_function() to be executed when the plugin is activated.

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